- Property Taxes
- by Scott Copeland
- 08-08-2020
0.00 of 0 votesProperty taxes are horrific in Texas. I want to share how we can eliminate property taxes in Texas. First, we will look at some major issues created in this “reformed property tax law.” Remember, it was passed with the full support of republicans and democrats. We will find a California style property tax machine killing the liberty of all Texans. The law explains how the tax assessor’s employees must be trained, what courses they attend, and how much taxpayer money goes for reimbursing the county. Further, the law names the acceptable materials to use when determining appraisal values. The law describes the tax appraisal review board, their qualifications and who nominates these individuals. These are the ones we stand before when we cannot get the county employees to lower our appraisal values. Does it sound like the “good ole boy, I will scratch your back if you scratch mine” approach? The country club organization rides high and mighty. Sounds like the California property tax structure. The law was praised because it placed a two and a half percent cap on the amount a city and/or county could each impose in a given year. Should the city or county desire to go higher, the increase must be placed on the ballot for citizens to vote for or against the increase. Reasonable? I say no way! A two and a half percent cap guarantees an increase each year. Texas may rely on property taxes. But how much greater do the citizens rely on their money? What happens to the two and a half percent should the Governor of Texas or the President of these United States declare a state of emergency or a natural disaster in Texas? We can throw away the two and a half percent automatic increase. It shoots to eight percent killing property owner’s liberty. Further, we do not get a vote. We lose our voice at the ballot box. This increase does not affect us in the year of the declaration. But in year two and year three the citizens get hammered at a time when they need their hard-earned dollars the most. Look at what is happening in Texas due to the Covid-19 virus. People are unemployed. The federal spending, and by extension, the state’s, are spending much more. Do we really need a California property tax? No! Another issue with this law mandates an eight percent replacement value for our homes. WHAT? Replacement value is something insurance companies use. Not appraisers. I was told by one county employee if they did not apply the replacement value, they could be fined and/or imprisoned for not following the law. Rise up all you PATRIOTS! Stop being silent. Here is how we can eliminate California style property taxes in Texas. One of the major expenditures in Texas concerns our children in the government run schools. The cost to Texas citizens is some $80 billion per year. “Comprehensive” testing each year is given to our children and must be eliminated. I know you have heard people say, “The schools do not educate. They are simply teaching some facts so our children can pass a test.” The Covid-19 virus has demonstrated we do not need government run schools testing our children. The time has come for local Independent School Districts to do their job in educating children. Not preparing them for a test. Further, I would encourage parents to rethink sending their children to government run schools. Home school or being a part of a local home school association gives a greater opportunity for our children’s future. Please read this month’s letter from Dr. Carole H. plHaynes. She is a good friend. Her report was published July 30, 2020, by World Net Daily. Go to I want you to know I love teachers. One of the greatest lessons I learned in school was personal responsibility for my homework. Today children do not have homework. They have classwork with an occasional project. Children must learn they have responsibilities in this world. They need chores at home and homework from school. Teachers can be an example to our children and grandchildren. Teachers could take responsibility by managing their own health care insurance and retirement. Currently, the state of Texas manages these programs for teachers. Teachers need to get a group policy outside of the state. They should hire a business to manage their retirement fund. Personal responsibility would save Texas another reportedly $80 billion. Teachers, I beg you to consider this fundamental truth – should our Texas debt continue to increase (and it will), will republicans and democrats steal your retirement. You bet they will. Look at what the federal government did with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Members of the Constitution Party of Texas it is time to run for local office and state office. We have the constitutional conservative approach to make the citizens of Texas the greatest in America. Texans can do so much better than the socialist and communist parties. We have the solutions to eliminate property taxes – personal responsibility and limited government. But this brings us to ballot access laws. How do we overcome? We must win local nonpartisan elections (ISD) and run as independents. A dear friend and former Chairman of the Constitution Party of Idaho, Floyd Whitley, sent me the following this week. A simple example of why minor parties must begin with local and state elections. Until those who say they want to build a viable third party can figure this out, they will have nothing long lasting. One model is upside down, and therefore useless. Anecdotally, had the ancient Egyptians built their pyramids upside down, they long ago would have been rubble. If you want to build, you must do so based on 3,143. Say whu? Whut chu mean, holmes? I mean this: The American mosaic is formed from cities, counties and states, and power is therefore distributed. Distributed power is what once made America mighty. We no longer are. And evermore power is consolidated and centralized. Therefore, a correlation exists. One need no Nobel prize in mathematics to see it. Those that demand an all-powerful centralized political organization, the mono-ideologues, have it totally upside down. Instead of the county mosaic shown above (and its inherent diversity), they see only further national consolidation under unitarian control. That vision is out of touch with reality. It seeks to find a political construction upon a single point (upside down), and then try to balance the weight of all the distinctions and diversities that exist upon it. Yet these differences do exist, irrespective of a willful ignorance and obstinate refusal to distribute power by founding political constructions upon a wide and level base. Maybe they can spin it like a top, for a while. But at some point, that top will lose momentum, wobble, and fall. That is exactly what is happening to the national CP. Everyone but them sees it too. That those still in it don’t see it happening is because they’re still riding on it; it’s still spinning. So, the deceive themselves as to its stability. Those who are not aboard have a different perspective. They see the rotations becoming more and more erratic, slower, and slower, the axis lower and lower. It doesn’t take an astrophysicist…FWW Thank you, Floyd. Now on a personal note. We have heard so much about the upcoming election and how it will be a complete train wreck. I have a proposal. Allow five day voting at the poles. Each day a set of citizens vote according to a last name alphabet. For example, let A thru E vote the first day on Monday. Then have F thru J on Tuesday and so forth. There would be no need for mail in ballots. Lines would be shorter and less worry about Covid-19 virus concerns. Again, personal responsibility should occur with whether we choose to wear a mask or not. Follow the six-foot standard. Big deal. But government must hereby stop making demands on a free people. We have ways to manage the virus without fear tactics. We can make sure our election process is secure. Let us know what you, family and friends think. We have three ways you can reach us. First, you go to our state website. Our BLOG is now active. This newsletter has been posted. Please post your comments. Secondly, go to our state website and comment to the Executive Committee member of your choice via email. Third, call me directly at the number below. We look forward to hearing from you. May God bless you, give you strength and wisdom to run for public office (a great way to serve God and fellow citizens) and may God bless Texas. Scott Copeland,
0 New Constitution Party of Texas Logo
- default
- by Scott Copeland
- 18-07-2020
0.00 of 0 votesWe are pleased to share the new logo for the Constitution Party of Texas. The new logo represents our great state and our great party.